iRDS - Intelligent Race Driver System  V
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IRDSLevelLoadVariables Class Reference

IRDS level load variables. More...

Inheritance diagram for IRDSLevelLoadVariables:


class  IRDSCarsPaths

Public Types

enum  RaceStartType { Standing, Rolling }

Public Attributes

bool initialPreviewOnRace = true
 The initial preview on race. More...
string[] driversNames
 The drivers names. More...
string playerName
 The name of the player. More...
int numberOfAiCars = 0
 The number of ai cars. More...
int levelOfAICarsMin = 0
 The level of AI cars minimum. More...
int levelOfAICarsMax = 0
 The level of AI cars max. More...
Color32[] selectedCarColor
 The color of the selected car. More...
Color32[] carAiColors
 The car ai colors. More...
string trackToRace = ""
 The track to race. More...
string selectedCar = ""
 The selected player car. More...
bool respwanActive = true
 The respwan active. More...
bool respawnAtWP = true
 Respawn at current waypoint?. More...
float respawnTime = 3.0f
 The respawn time. More...
float unstuckTime = 2.0f
 The unstuck time. More...
bool threeWideStyle = false
 Three wide style?. More...
int laps = 0
 The laps. More...
bool controlDigital = false
 Control digital?. More...
bool automaticGearShifting = false
 Automatic gear shifting. More...
bool automaticClutch = true
 Automatic clutch. More...
bool startEngineOnStart = true
 Start engine on start. More...
bool pitsAutoPilot = false
 Pits auto pilot. More...
bool disableDamage = false
 Disable damage. More...
bool autoSteering = false
 Auto steering. More...
bool autoBrake = false
 Auto brake. More...
bool autoThrottle = false
 Auto throttle. More...
int fuelComsumptionMultiplier = 1
 The fuel comsumption multiplier. More...
string preferredCameraView = ""
 The preferred camera view. More...
bool destroy = true
 Destroy this object instance when a new level is loaded?. More...
bool AIcarDemo = false
 Ai car demo mode. More...
Shader[] carShader
 The car shader. More...
string[] shaderColorPropertyName
 The name of the shader color property. More...
bool randomAIDrivers = true
 Random AI drivers. More...
string[] carsFolders
 The cars folders. More...
bool activateNitro = false
 Activate nitro. More...
bool activateNitroForAI = true
 Activate nitro for AI. activateNitro most be enabled in orther for this option to have any effect. More...
bool activateNitroForPlayers = true
 Activate nitro for players. activateNitro most be enabled in orther for this option to have any effect. More...
bool activateCopMode = false
 Activate cop mode. More...
int numberOfCops = 0
 The number of cops. More...
string[] copCarsFolders
 The cop cars folders. More...
bool useRandomCopCarsColors = false
 use random cop cars colors. More...
float agresivenessMultiplier = 1f
 The agresiveness multiplier. More...
float copBrakeRange = 10f
 The cop brake range. More...
float copLockOnDistance = 5
 The cop lock on distance. More...
float copPatrolSpeed = 27f
 The cop patrol speed. More...
bool dontAddCops = true
 Dont add cops. More...
bool spawnCopsAtRandomPos
 Spawn cops at random position. More...
bool randomGrid = true
 Random grid. More...
bool randomGridAI = true
 Random grid A. More...
int gridPosNumber = 0
 The grid position number. More...
bool imACop = false
 Im A cop. More...
float initialViewSpeed = 50f
 The initial view speed. More...
DriversSettings[] driverSettings
 The driver settings. More...
bool assignCarsToAIDrivers = false
 Assign cars to AI drivers. More...
List< AICarsDriverscarsDrivers
 The cars drivers. More...
IRDSControlAsigment controlAsigments
 The control asigments. More...
IRDSOtherPlayers[] otherPlayers
 The other players. More...
IRDSManager.RaceModes raceModes = IRDSManager.RaceModes.Circuit
 The race modes. More...
bool lastManStandingIsByTime = false
 Last man standing is by time. More...
float lastManStandingCounterTime = 25.00f
 The last man standing counter time. More...
GameObject flag
 The flag. More...
Quaternion flagRotation = Quaternion.identity
 The flag rotation. More...
bool flagByWaypoint = true
 Flag by waypoint. More...
Vector3 flagInitialPosition = new Vector3(0,0,0)
 The flag initial position. More...
int flagInitialWaypoint = 10
 The flag initial waypoint. More...
bool enableTCL = true
 Enable TC. More...
float tcl = 0.45f
 The tcl value. Values from 0 to 1. More...
float tclMinSpd = 1f
 The tcl minimum spd. More...
bool enableABS = true
 Enable ABS. More...
float abs = 0.4f
 The abs value. Values from 0 to 1. More...
bool enableESC = true
 Enable ESC. More...
float esc = 1
 The esc. Values from 0 to 1. More...
bool enableSteerHelp = true
 Enable steer help. More...
float steerHelp = 0.01f
 The steer help value. Values from 0 to 1. More...
GameObject[] CarsForRace
 The cars for race. You can use this array to set the cars objects you want the system to use for the race, useful for using it with asset bundles. More...
GameObject[] copsForRace
 The cops for race. You can use this array to set the cop cars objects you want the system to use for the race, useful for using it with asset bundles. More...
bool enableDAC = false
 Enable DAC. DAC is the short for Dynamic Aggressiveness Change, this would make the AI change their agressiveness depending on where the player is with respect to their positions, making the game more fair for the players and also giving the feel to the players that the AI is not too fast or too slow. More...
bool addDriverNamesOnTopOfCars = false
 Add driver names on top of cars. More...
GameObject driverNameslabel
 The driver names label. More...
Vector3 labelOffset = new Vector3(0f,0.2f,0f)
 The label offset. This is the position of the label with respect to the car (local position). More...
float lapCounterWidth = 50
 The width of the lap counter. This is for making the virtual track wider or narrower for stop counting laps, it represents the max width of the "Virtual Track" for keep counting laps of the players, and avoid cheating using extreme shortcuts. More...
bool uniquePlayersCars = false
 Unique players cars mode. More...
bool uniqueAICars = false
 Unique AI cars mode. More...
bool alwaysRespawnPlayers = false
 Always respawn players. More...
bool alwaysRespawnAI = false
 Always respawn AI. More...
float respawnSpeed = 15f
 The respawn speed. More...
bool overrideNitroInputPlayer = false
 Override nitro input player. More...
bool overrideNitroInputAI = false
 Override nitro input AI. More...
LayerMask dnfLayer = 0
 The DNF layer. this would be the layer the DNF cars would be switch to if the dnfCarsOnOtherLayer option is ennabled. More...
bool dnfCarsOnOtherLayer = false
 DNF cars should switch to DNF layer?. More...
bool instantiateCarsManually = false
 Instantiate cars manually. This option should be used in the case of maing a multiplayer networking kind of game, if the networking framework requires that all the network objects should be instantiated by the networking framework. More...
float respawnHeight = 0.5f
 The height of the respawn. More...
float respawnOutOfLimitMaxDistance = 0f
 The respawn out of limit max distance. If this is set to 0 it would be disabled, other wise the cars would be respawned if they get their distance from the racing line higher than this distance. More...
bool preloadCarsEnabled = false
 Preload cars enabled. More...
List< IRDSCarsPathspreloadedCarsPath = new List<IRDSCarsPaths>()
 The preloaded cars path. More...
List< IRDSCarsPathspreloadedCopsCarsPath = new List<IRDSCarsPaths>()
 The preloaded cops cars path. More...
float captureTheFlagHitStrength = 1f
 The capture the flag hit strength. More...
bool startRaceManually = false
 The start race manually. This option would override the start race after the initial preview, to make it start manually, take into account that if there is the counter setup with more than 0 seconds, the counter would start after the option on the IRDSStatistic class (named the same as this option) is set to false, if the counter is set to 0 seconds, the race would start inmediatly after the option on the IRDSStatistic class (named the same as this option) is set to false. More...
bool disableRacingLine = false
 The disable racing line. This option would disable the racing line if set to true just when it is enabled before loading a track scene. If the racelinerenderer object have been disabled manually, this option wont be able to enable it. More...
RaceStartType raceStartType = (RaceStartType)0
 The type of the race start. This defines if the race wouid start as standing start (starting with all cars at full stop) or rolling which starts with the cars coming to the race start point at a speed X controlled by the AI and then start the race when the counter ends counting. More...
float rollingStartInitialSpeed = 20
 The rolling start initial speed. More...
float rollingStartSpeedRestriction = 20f
 The rolling start speed restriction. More...

Detailed Description

IRDS level load variables.

Member Data Documentation

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.abs = 0.4f

The abs value. Values from 0 to 1.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.activateCopMode = false

Activate cop mode.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.activateNitro = false

Activate nitro.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.activateNitroForAI = true

Activate nitro for AI. activateNitro most be enabled in orther for this option to have any effect.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.activateNitroForPlayers = true

Activate nitro for players. activateNitro most be enabled in orther for this option to have any effect.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.addDriverNamesOnTopOfCars = false

Add driver names on top of cars.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.agresivenessMultiplier = 1f

The agresiveness multiplier.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.AIcarDemo = false

Ai car demo mode.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.alwaysRespawnAI = false

Always respawn AI.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.alwaysRespawnPlayers = false

Always respawn players.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.assignCarsToAIDrivers = false

Assign cars to AI drivers.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.autoBrake = false

Auto brake.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.automaticClutch = true

Automatic clutch.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.automaticGearShifting = false

Automatic gear shifting.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.autoSteering = false

Auto steering.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.autoThrottle = false

Auto throttle.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.captureTheFlagHitStrength = 1f

The capture the flag hit strength.

Color32 [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.carAiColors

The car ai colors.

List<AICarsDrivers> IRDSLevelLoadVariables.carsDrivers

The cars drivers.

string [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.carsFolders

The cars folders.

GameObject [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.CarsForRace

The cars for race. You can use this array to set the cars objects you want the system to use for the race, useful for using it with asset bundles.

Shader [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.carShader

The car shader.

IRDSControlAsigment IRDSLevelLoadVariables.controlAsigments

The control asigments.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.controlDigital = false

Control digital?.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.copBrakeRange = 10f

The cop brake range.

string [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.copCarsFolders

The cop cars folders.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.copLockOnDistance = 5

The cop lock on distance.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.copPatrolSpeed = 27f

The cop patrol speed.

GameObject [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.copsForRace

The cops for race. You can use this array to set the cop cars objects you want the system to use for the race, useful for using it with asset bundles.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.destroy = true

Destroy this object instance when a new level is loaded?.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.disableDamage = false

Disable damage.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.disableRacingLine = false

The disable racing line. This option would disable the racing line if set to true just when it is enabled before loading a track scene. If the racelinerenderer object have been disabled manually, this option wont be able to enable it.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.dnfCarsOnOtherLayer = false

DNF cars should switch to DNF layer?.

LayerMask IRDSLevelLoadVariables.dnfLayer = 0

The DNF layer. this would be the layer the DNF cars would be switch to if the dnfCarsOnOtherLayer option is ennabled.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.dontAddCops = true

Dont add cops.

GameObject IRDSLevelLoadVariables.driverNameslabel

The driver names label.

DriversSettings [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.driverSettings

The driver settings.

string [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.driversNames

The drivers names.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.enableABS = true

Enable ABS.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.enableDAC = false

Enable DAC. DAC is the short for Dynamic Aggressiveness Change, this would make the AI change their agressiveness depending on where the player is with respect to their positions, making the game more fair for the players and also giving the feel to the players that the AI is not too fast or too slow.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.enableESC = true

Enable ESC.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.enableSteerHelp = true

Enable steer help.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.enableTCL = true

Enable TC.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.esc = 1

The esc. Values from 0 to 1.

GameObject IRDSLevelLoadVariables.flag

The flag.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.flagByWaypoint = true

Flag by waypoint.

Vector3 IRDSLevelLoadVariables.flagInitialPosition = new Vector3(0,0,0)

The flag initial position.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.flagInitialWaypoint = 10

The flag initial waypoint.

Quaternion IRDSLevelLoadVariables.flagRotation = Quaternion.identity

The flag rotation.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.fuelComsumptionMultiplier = 1

The fuel comsumption multiplier.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.gridPosNumber = 0

The grid position number.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.imACop = false

Im A cop.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.initialPreviewOnRace = true

The initial preview on race.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.initialViewSpeed = 50f

The initial view speed.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.instantiateCarsManually = false

Instantiate cars manually. This option should be used in the case of maing a multiplayer networking kind of game, if the networking framework requires that all the network objects should be instantiated by the networking framework.

Vector3 IRDSLevelLoadVariables.labelOffset = new Vector3(0f,0.2f,0f)

The label offset. This is the position of the label with respect to the car (local position).

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.lapCounterWidth = 50

The width of the lap counter. This is for making the virtual track wider or narrower for stop counting laps, it represents the max width of the "Virtual Track" for keep counting laps of the players, and avoid cheating using extreme shortcuts.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.laps = 0

The laps.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.lastManStandingCounterTime = 25.00f

The last man standing counter time.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.lastManStandingIsByTime = false

Last man standing is by time.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.levelOfAICarsMax = 0

The level of AI cars max.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.levelOfAICarsMin = 0

The level of AI cars minimum.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.numberOfAiCars = 0

The number of ai cars.

int IRDSLevelLoadVariables.numberOfCops = 0

The number of cops.

IRDSOtherPlayers [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.otherPlayers

The other players.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.overrideNitroInputAI = false

Override nitro input AI.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.overrideNitroInputPlayer = false

Override nitro input player.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.pitsAutoPilot = false

Pits auto pilot.

string IRDSLevelLoadVariables.playerName

The name of the player.

string IRDSLevelLoadVariables.preferredCameraView = ""

The preferred camera view.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.preloadCarsEnabled = false

Preload cars enabled.

List<IRDSCarsPaths> IRDSLevelLoadVariables.preloadedCarsPath = new List<IRDSCarsPaths>()

The preloaded cars path.

List<IRDSCarsPaths> IRDSLevelLoadVariables.preloadedCopsCarsPath = new List<IRDSCarsPaths>()

The preloaded cops cars path.

IRDSManager.RaceModes IRDSLevelLoadVariables.raceModes = IRDSManager.RaceModes.Circuit

The race modes.

RaceStartType IRDSLevelLoadVariables.raceStartType = (RaceStartType)0

The type of the race start. This defines if the race wouid start as standing start (starting with all cars at full stop) or rolling which starts with the cars coming to the race start point at a speed X controlled by the AI and then start the race when the counter ends counting.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.randomAIDrivers = true

Random AI drivers.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.randomGrid = true

Random grid.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.randomGridAI = true

Random grid A.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.respawnAtWP = true

Respawn at current waypoint?.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.respawnHeight = 0.5f

The height of the respawn.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.respawnOutOfLimitMaxDistance = 0f

The respawn out of limit max distance. If this is set to 0 it would be disabled, other wise the cars would be respawned if they get their distance from the racing line higher than this distance.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.respawnSpeed = 15f

The respawn speed.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.respawnTime = 3.0f

The respawn time.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.respwanActive = true

The respwan active.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.rollingStartInitialSpeed = 20

The rolling start initial speed.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.rollingStartSpeedRestriction = 20f

The rolling start speed restriction.

string IRDSLevelLoadVariables.selectedCar = ""

The selected player car.

Color32 [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.selectedCarColor

The color of the selected car.

string [] IRDSLevelLoadVariables.shaderColorPropertyName

The name of the shader color property.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.spawnCopsAtRandomPos

Spawn cops at random position.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.startEngineOnStart = true

Start engine on start.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.startRaceManually = false

The start race manually. This option would override the start race after the initial preview, to make it start manually, take into account that if there is the counter setup with more than 0 seconds, the counter would start after the option on the IRDSStatistic class (named the same as this option) is set to false, if the counter is set to 0 seconds, the race would start inmediatly after the option on the IRDSStatistic class (named the same as this option) is set to false.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.steerHelp = 0.01f

The steer help value. Values from 0 to 1.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.tcl = 0.45f

The tcl value. Values from 0 to 1.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.tclMinSpd = 1f

The tcl minimum spd.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.threeWideStyle = false

Three wide style?.

string IRDSLevelLoadVariables.trackToRace = ""

The track to race.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.uniqueAICars = false

Unique AI cars mode.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.uniquePlayersCars = false

Unique players cars mode.

float IRDSLevelLoadVariables.unstuckTime = 2.0f

The unstuck time.

bool IRDSLevelLoadVariables.useRandomCopCarsColors = false

use random cop cars colors.